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[原創] 問世間情是何物:宗教神職人員獨身的不同理由








為情所傷、為情所困、為情自殺……由英文老歌 "Wise men say only fools rush in...",到今天內地網絡潮語「切除戀愛腦」,可見很多人都不懂如何「處理」愛情,也希望能逃避這些「引誘」。





Catholic Doctrinal Evolution

200 AD Immersion of infants who are dying, but considered sinless. (Tertullian V.12)

250 AD North Africa region is first to practice infant baptism and reduced the age of baptism from minors to all newborns. This is opposed by other regions.

257 AD Baptism by sprinkling for adults instead of immersion first used as an exception for those on sick beds, but it caused great dispute.

300 AD Prayers for the dead

320 AD Special dress code of the clergy in worship

325 AD At the general council of Nice, 325, it was proposed indeed, probably by the Western bishop Hosius, to forbid entirely the marriage of priests; but the motion met with strong opposition, and was rejected.

325 AD The date for Easter was set.

379 AD Praying to Mary & Saints. (prayers of Ephraim Syrus)

385 AD In the West, the first prohibition of clerical marriage, which laid claim to universal ecclesiastical authority, proceeded in 385 from the Roman church in the form of a decretal letter of the bishop Siricius to Himerius, bishop of Tarragona in Spain.

389 AD Mariolatry begins with Gregory Nazianzen, who mentions in a eulogy, how Justina had besought the virgin Mary to protect her virginity.

416 AD Infant baptism by immersion commanded of all infants (Council Of Mela, Austin was the principal director)

430 AD Exhalation of Virgin Mary: "Mother of God" first applied by the Council of Ephesus

502 AD Special dress code of the Clergy all the time.

500 AD The "Habit" of Nuns (Black gowns with white tunics)

519 AD Lent

526 AD Extreme Unction

593 AD The Doctrine of Purgatory popularized from the Apocrypha by Gregory the Great

600 AD First use of Latin in worship (Gregory I)

607 AD Boniface III is the first person to take the title of "universal Bishop" by decree of Emperor Phocas.

608 AD Pope Boniface IV. turns the Pantheon in Rome into a temple of Mary ad martyres: the pagan Olympus into a Christian heaven of gods.

670 AD Instrumental music: first organ by Pope Vitalian

709 AD Kissing of Pope Constantine's feet

753 AD Baptism by sprinkling for those on sick beds officially accepted.

787 AD Worship of icons and statue approved (2nd council of Nicea)

787 AD Rome (Latin) and Constantinople (Greek) part ways and begin the drift towards complete split, resulting in two denominations emerging in 1054 AD.

965 AD Baptism of bells instituted by Pope John XIII

850 AD Burning of Holy Candles

995 AD Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV

998 AD Good Friday: fish only and the eating-red meat forbidden

1009 AD Holy water

1022 AD Penance

1054 AD Roman Catholic church breaks away from the Orthodox church

1054 AD Roman Catholics officially embrace instrumental music, Orthodox reject instrumental music down to the present time.

1079 AD Celibacy enforced for priests, bishops, presbyters (Pope Gregory VII)

1090 AD Rosary beads: invented by Peter the Hermit

1095 AD Instrumental music

1190 AD Sale of Indulgences or "tickets to sin" (punishment of sin removed)

1215 AD Transubstantiation by Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council

1215 AD Auricular Confession of sins to priests instituted by Pope Innocent III, (Lateran Council)

1215 AD Mass a Sacrifice of Christ

1217 AD Adoration and Elevation of Host: ie. communion bread (Pope Honrius III)

1230 AD Ringing bells at Mass

1251 AD The Scapular, the brown cloak worn by monks invented by Simon Stock

1268 AD Priestly power of absolution

1311 AD Baptism by sprinkling accepted as the universal standard instead of immersion for all, not just the sick. (Council of Ravenna)

1414 AD Laity no longer offered Lord's cup at communion (Council of Constance)

1439 AD Purgatory a dogma by the Council of Florence (see 593 AD)

1439 AD Doctrine of Seven Sacraments affirmed

1480 AD The Inquisition (of Spain)

1495 AD Papal control of marriage rights

1534 AD Order of Jesuits founded by Loyola

1545 AD Man-made tradition of church made equal to Bible (Council of Trent)

1545 AD Apocryphal books added to Bible (Council of Trent)

1546 AD Justification by human works of merit

1546 AD Mass universally said in Latin (see 600 AD)

1547 AD Confirmation

1560 AD Personal opinions of Pope Pius IV imposed as the official creed

1864 AD Syllabus Errorum [Syllabus of Errors] proclaimed that "Catholic countries" could not tolerate other religions, (no freedom of religion), conscience, separation of church and State condemned, asserted the Pope's temporal authority over all civil rulers (Ratified by Pope Pius IX and Vatican Council) condemned

1870 AD Infallibility of Pope (Vatican council)

1908 AD All Catholics should be christened into the church

1930 AD Public Schools condemned by Pope Pius XII (see 1864 AD)

1950 AD Sinners prayer, invented by Billy Sunday and made popular by Billy Graham. (Some Catholics now use this)

1950 AD Assumption of the body of the Virgin Mary into heaven shortly after her death. (Pope Pius XII)

1954 AD Immaculate conception of Mary proclaimed by Pope Pius XII

1995 AD The use of girls in the traditional alter boy duties

1996 AD Catholics can believe in Evolution (Pope John Paul II)

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹

修會神父都會發神貧願。即不會有私人財產。死了没有甚麼東西可留給修會。 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/8 20:14


Why are Catholic priests required to be celibate when their first pope, Saint Peter, was married?

What’s the answer you will hear today?

That priests are required to be celibate so that they might be fully devoted to the church. This idea is taken from Paul’s view on singleness as a gift from God to be cherished.

It’s a nice idea, but it is also wrong historically.

There are a few major time periods in Church History. The Medieval Ages were some of the darkest periods in the history of the church and one of the primary causes was the ever-growing corruptness of the Roman Catholic church.

In the Medieval Ages, the church sent thousands and thousands of men to fight in the crusades against Islam. Before leaving, the Catholic church convinced many of these men to bequeath their property and possessions to the church.

What was the result? After an estimated 1.7 million people died in the crusades, the Catholic church owned land all over Europe. This land was held by the church and thus, the Priest had ownership of the land.

Now imagine if a Priest had a family. If the Priest were to die, then the children and family would have rights to the property. The church would lose much of its property that it had recently gained.

They had to protect this land somehow.

The easy solution: “Celibacy”

But not true celibacy. Celibacy is the commitment to abstain from sexual behavior with others or one’s self. The true intention was to prevent the priests from having legitimate heirs to their property. Priests were not allowed to marry, but they were allowed to have concubines. As many as they wanted. It was not uncommon at all for the concubine and the children to be involved with the church, to help out, and to live on the grounds.

However, when the priest eventually passed away, none of these children has rights to the property.

Problem Solved.
(1) bishop Hosius, to forbid entirely the marriage of priests; but the motion met with strong opposition, and was rejected.(不見有此定案)
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/9 22:43


(2)385 AD In the West, the first prohibition of clerical marriage, which laid claim to universal ecclesiastical authority, proceeded in 385 from the Roman church in the form of a decretal letter of the bishop Siricius to Himerius, bishop of Tarragona in Spain.
最後一個已婚的教宗是Adrian II(792-872)
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/9 22:43

The Directa decretal was written by Pope Siricius in February AD 385. It took the form of a long letter to Spanish bishop Himerius of Tarragona replying to the bishop’s requests for directa on various subjects sent several months earlier to Pope Damasus I. It became the first of a series of documents published by the Magisterium that claimed apostolic origin for clerical celibacy and reminded ministers of the altar of the perpetual continence required of them.


(3)the church sent thousands and thousands of men to fight in the crusades against Islam. Before leaving, the Catholic church convinced many of these men to bequeath their property and possessions to the church.
(參軍的大部份是貧農, 你講到個個都係地主!)
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/9 22:43

beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 00:44


After the legalization of Christianity in 313, greater discussion regarding clerical celibacy emerged.  At the ecumenical Council of Nicea I (325), Bishop Hosius of Cordoba proposed a decree mandating clerical celibacy, including for those clergy already married.  Egyptian Bishop Paphnutius, unmarried himself, rose in protest, asserting that such a requirement would be too rigorous and imprudent.  Rather, he proposed that those members of the clergy already married should continue to be faithful to their wives, and those who were unmarried should personally decide whether or not to be celibate.

https://catholicstraightanswers. ... riests-be-celibate/

不過我就唔知個minutes係邊個寫,呢個catholicstraightanswers website又係咪可信,聽聞係一位神父創辦。
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 02:30

回覆 26# beebeechan

    strong opposition係形容反對既激烈,並唔係形容有幾多人一齊反對,又再一次奇怪的腦袋。

回覆 31# beebeechan

回覆 30# beebeechan

使唔使睇埋CCTV 片段?
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 12:34

beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 12:41


支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹


嗰條無聊下流虫就成日衰(2)(3) ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 14:46

當你上到天國, 與那位alpha and omega在一起時, 無時間領域, 可玩「穿越」。。。。
回到尼西亞會議現 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/10 22:20

時間延伸到無限長, 72個都未必夠玩, 到時先睇啦, 唔使咁快諗定嘅
沙文 發表於 2024/1/11 03:36

獨身令有望解禁 教廷高層:認真考慮開放神父結婚
Newtalk新聞 |洪聖斐 編譯報導
2024年1月8日 週一 上午7:30

身兼梵蒂岡教義辦公室部長的馬耳他大主教查爾斯·希克魯納(Charles Scicluna)7日表示,羅馬天主教會應該「認真考慮」允許神父結婚。



希克魯納指出,一千年前神父被允許結婚,如今在東方禮天主教會(Eastern Catholic Churches)也還是允許神父結婚。「如果由我決定,我會修改神父必須獨身的要求。」


教宗方濟各已經表明不會修改羅馬天主教要求神父必須獨身的規定。 但這不是教會的正式教義,因此未來的教宗可能會改變這項規定。

https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%8D ... 9%9A-233025422.html

支持鼓勵每位離教者 › 閹割神父 刻不容緩 ‹
抽刀斷水 發表於 2024/1/14 12:50

當了神父的...就不可結婚, 即使之前配偶離世, 亦不可再 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/14 23:02

這叫「淫亂」,, 不是獨身, 結婚的問題
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/14 22:17


這是人, 勝不過身體的肉慾, 正不是原祖墮落的原因嗎?
基督宗教就是叫人不要為肉慾的奴隷。是人支配慾念, ...
beebeechan 發表於 2024/1/14 22:49

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