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回復 219# 沙文 的帖子



回復 221# 沙文 的帖子

I think it may have to do with the fact the people in the ancient world are illiterate.  They do not have a menu and cannot read the menu.

It is much easier to order this way.
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/8/7 21:32 編輯

回復 367# 沙文


See the table, the difference is only about 4:1

I think it is something else on top of it.  I need a bit of time to remember it.  The lesson is taught in highschool science class at around grade 10-11ish.

Found it:

I think you mean thermal conductivity.

Water to air = 0.6:0.025

About 24 times.

And Ms. Cat is perfectly correct scientically.  It is taught in elementary school and also featured on TVB game show for elemetary school kids.
I have an elemnetary school classmate call January.  She is a smart girl.

I also remember one of my classmate called March.
回復 400# 抽刀斷水
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/12/1 17:15 編輯



本帖最後由 dye 於 2011/2/15 11:05 編輯

Sorry, I do not believe what the web site is saying.

Here is an experiment Sherman can do and help us understand the question:

Place the candle further and further away from the hair blower and see the effect.  (Test the air pressure.  The further the wind source, the smaller the low pressure.)

Use this distance, change the temerature of the wind blowing, perhaps by using the fridge and heating element of the dair dryer.  (Test for temperature.  Is it true that people in Arctic has an easier time blowing out candle than say, African?)

Lastly, to proof what the web site is correct, it should be impossible to blow out a lighter because you can't "blow off" the flame.  So change the fire source and try it again to see if there is any difference!
本帖最後由 dye 於 2011/2/15 11:58 編輯

Are you sure the electric heating element of the hair dryer will "burn" any oxygen away?  How about a safer way with air from freezer, or air from top of a block of ice?  If temperature is an issue, cooler air should be able to do it better, right?

Actually I found an even more likely answer, it fits with all observations I seen so far in my life:

I think the wind blow the chain reaction of the fire away.  In order for the flame to continue, the last reaction must be in proximity with the next reaction in order to transfer the heat.  

With the air moving so fast, it outpace the reaction front.

This is observable as the wind gets stronger and stronger, the flame moves away from the head.  At certain wind speed, the flame will bound to be too far from the fuel source.

**  I think the temperature idea is correct only concerning candle because of the way the fuel is supplied (vapourization of the wax).  It is incorrect in the general sense.

No, not a cat.  My wife is not a cat.

I mean the whole plant with roots and pot.
Ok, thanks for the advice
Reporting, the result is positive.  The gifts are recived positively.
Who else? (Space filler)
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